MGCI CTF Practice
MGCI CTF - PracticeLooking for some CTF’s to solve I found a CTF platform(https://ctfmgci.jonathanw.dev/) that hosts some practice challenges in order to warmup before the real contest.In this blog post I will guide you through the General and Web challenges and show you my methodology in order to solve them. General CategoryBack to School ‘21 - Keys and..
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ROCSC 2023Author: Iulian Schifirnet hashy : webProof of FlagROCSC{F82590885D27ECD16EB594E2923D16E112B3C46CFC1BAA4ABD13F7802A3A5558} SummaryThere is an input field that encrypts anything you give it into a MD5 format. Trying to crack the hash using https://crackstation.net/ Proof of SolveTypically behind this type of challenges there is a system comma..
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Binary Exploitation SeriesIntroductionBinary exploitation is a field within computer security that involves finding and exploiting vulnerabilities in binary code, such as executable files or software applications. This practice, often performed by ethical hackers or security researchers, aims to uncover weaknesses that can be leveraged to gain unauthoriz..
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